Sunday, November 4, 2012

New Beginnings

After trusting in Christ, he blessed me. How many times a day do we really get to say that? Probably not enough, because we never trust him with everything. When my relationship was on the line, that’s all I could really do. You realize in situations that you have NO control over, that you really never had control to begin with. I had to trust my God and hold fast to his promises that if you ask, it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened (Matthew 7:7).  I think its near to impossible to trust on words alone. That’s why I read this scripture to remind myself, that no only is this what God said, but then he gave up his son for me. He told his son to die, just for me. Just for you.

Crazy, I know. Its so hard to believe in something we haven’t seen in this century. But Christ sees that, and helps us to believe by giving us his holy spirit. That’s what told me not to worry, as well as his word that says; “therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own (Matthew 6:34).” Christ gave me a peace about this break up, and although it hurt, what really could I have done to change the outcome? Become clingier, less emotional, confessed my devoted love, or let him have space? The answer to the above is rhetorical, because nothing I would have done could have changed the man’s mind. Christ gives us the desires of our hearts, and he knows my heart better than I really know myself. I’m glad when it comes to tough decisions, I don’t have to worry about a thing, other than keeping my eyes on the Lord.  It’s harder than it sounds of course, but sometimes there is just nowhere else to turn to.

With that being said, my boyfriend and I have decided to work on a new start. Before you think or assume anything, let me just remind you that there was no real reason for us breaking up, other than communication issues, which is a big issue in marriages today. I’m glad we were able to confront this early. But with that being said, it doesn’t mean I hurt any less, or that things are just going to be able to go back to the way they were. We had this time to see Christ work in our lives, and it’s been beautiful. Now we have a new season to see Christ grow us, and I’m praying for it to be just as tremendous. There is a possibility that we may not be meant for each other, and as much as that sucks, it’s okay too. God will always have something better than what I think, because I don’t know nearly as much as he does. He has had a plan for me all along, and its brought me nothing but joy so far, with some hardships, but it completely outweighs how I used to live.  However, he gives me this verse from Proverbs 4:23 to remember when I go into something new:

Above all else, guard your heart,

    For everything you do flows from it

We shouldn’t just jump into relationships as people. We should sort through the good and bad, analyze what type of relationship this person has with Christ, and not be so quick to lust over one another. God made relationships for a reason, and that’s to glorify our relationship with Him. So as much as I may be hurt or upset, this is what Christ has blessed me with, a new season in my life. “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins” (Matthew 6:14-15). I have to forgive and try to love, in Christ’s name, for my own relationship with him, and no other reason than that. I could easily hold a grudge against him for walking away, or against some of my friends who tried to end the relationship, but what would that really get me? A whole lotta nothing. Even if Andrew and I don’t work out, I know I did my best to love like Christ does, and to forgive as he had forgiven me. 

“If God only blessed us after we became believers—if he took away all suffering, hardship, and turmoil for Christians—wouldn’t it be a way to bribe people into the faith?” The Lord wants us to come to Him out of love and because we know we’re needy – so needy that only he can fill those needs for us. –Joyce Meyers

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